Current Medication/Prescriptions
for John B. Moss
Prescription DoseQty Daily For: Source Doctor
LISINOPRILTAB 2.5 MG 1 1 Blood Pressure VAD Crosgrove
METFORMIN TAB 500 MG 2 2 Diabetes VA D Crosgrove
ALOGLIPTINTAB 25 MG 1 1 Diabetes VA D Crosgrove
Vitamin D3TAB 50 MCG1 1 Health
HYDROCODON-APAPTAB 7.5-3251^3 Pain Relief as neededVAD Crosgrove
TAMSULOSIN TAB .4 MG 1^1 Urine Flow VA Miller (Spokane)
GABAPENTIN TAB 300 MG 1^3+Derma Nerve PainVAMiller (Spokane)
ASPIRIN TAB 81 MG 1 1 Health VA D Crosgrove
+ 1/day for 5 days, 2/day for 5 days, 3/day thereafter || Dr approval to discontinue
* After showering, apply small dab to each ear; will migrate into the ears (for ‘lubrication’).
^ Discontinued - effective Date: September 01, 2022

As-Of Date: May 01, 2021
Last updated: March 09, 2023
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